Food in Motion: Vintage Dr. Pepper Ad
Motion Design: Jacklyn Baumgartner
Sound Design: Sajay (Ashindra) Watson
This was my second time participating in the 'Food in Motion' collaboration between motion and sound designers; it was hosted by a freelance motion designer in my network. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get creative with this round, and pair up with a new sound designer that I hadn't met before. Sajay is based in Jamaica, so this was truly a rare opportunity to team up that was made possible with LinkedIn,, and email.
Project Specs:
13 seconds total
Behind the Scenes
Motion Controls | After Effects
Layer & Keyframe Breakdown | After Effects


Once I got started animating, I changed around the order of my shots. The clouds parting and product reveal of Dr. Pepper at the end was packing more of a punch for me than my original plan. The storyboard was still crucial for timing and scene planning.
Dr. Pepper Ad Research - YouTube Playlist